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Zimmer|Glime “Real Estate Minute” ~ Differences between an Inspection and an Appraisal

In this week’s Zimmer|Glime “Real Estate Minute”, Associate Broker Amy Zimmer discusses the differences between an appraisal and an inspection. When you are purchasing a home there is a lot of terminology to learn to understand what’s what. Sometimes, people mistakenly intermix the inspection and the appraisal. An appraisal and a home inspection may appear quite similar, as they both examine the same areas of a property, however they evaluate it for different reasons. Knowing the differences between the two services, and when you might need one, is important, as they each complete very separate tasks in the home buying process. Check out the video to learn more… #homes #homebuying #homebuyer #househunters #savvybuyer #househunting #appraisal #inspection #beforeyoubuy #zimmerglimerealestate #hallandhunter #christiesinternationalrealestate #leadingrelocal #realestate #useaRealtor #christieshomes #yourrealtorsintheknow #luxurytoleases



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