Zimmer|Glime “Home Tip of the Week” ~ Selling Your Home During the Holidays
In this week’s Zimmer|Glime “Home Tip of the Week”, Associate Broker Amy Zimmer discusses tips for selling your home during the holidays. The winter holiday season is a challenging time to be in the mindset for selling a home. The chilly weather isn’t conducive to showings, daylight hours are shorter, and most people are focused on holiday planning and decorating. However, buyers who need a home are still out there looking, no matter what the season! Though there may technically be fewer buyers overall, the homebuyers looking are far more serious about finding a home within a specific timeframe. So, make your home warm and inviting and open it up to those looking to buy, because selling your home during the holidays might the best gift you receive! Check out the video to learn more… #homes #househunters #homeselling #homeseller #homeowners #holidays #homefortheholidays #hometip #zimmerglimerealestate #hallandhunter #christiesinternationalrealestate #leadingrelocal #realestate #useaRealtor #christieshomes #yourrealtorsintheknow #luxurytoleases